Some additional tips for publishing in a high impact journal
- You should do something new.
- Is there anything challenging in your work?
- Will your results influence other researchers?
- Have you provided solutions to some difficult problems (GAPS)?
- The author should communicate the results and impact of the research.
- The manuscript should be written in a style that transmits the message clearly.
- The title should describe key content in an effective way.
- Start your cover letter by stating why you think the paper is a good fit for this journal.
- Use paragraph headings to describe concrete findings.
- Tie together your results with the discussion.
- Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based.
- Be sure to choose recent research, related to the study, and published in academic journals.
- Avoid excessive citations of publications from the same region.
- Mind the detailed feedback with checks on the headings, ethical declarations, referencing, tables, figures, and other major reporting errors on the manuscript.
- Ask your peers or professors to review your paper.
- The strongest papers usually have one point to make.
- Focus on your main message to keep the attention of your readers.
- Start talking about the research problem, importance, and the need of the study.
- Mind a concrete abstract; what your research is about, methods have been used and what your main findings are.
- Mind your introduction to be readable by contextualizing the argument in the broader academic field.
- Address your acknowledgement by contributing your article intellectually, financially, or in some other manner.
- Both references and citations should be well balanced and not more than 10 years old.
- Finally, your conclusion should be an interpretation of your results.